Saturday, April 24, 2010

Celebrating With People I Love

Celebrating Jessica's birthday, Lara's new job and Janet and Justin's engagement.

Hiking Dragon's Back, Part III

Hiking Dragon's Back, Part II

Hiking Dragon's Back, Part I

The prettiest hike I've done since I've lived here.

Scenes From A Hong Kong Weekend

Some random snapshots from nightlife in Hong Kong.

My First MMA Matches

Thanks to the lovely Heather Engbrock and Lindsey Hermes, I went to my first MMA fight. It was pretty sweet. Here are some shots:

Best Brunch Ever At Isola, Part II

And the ladies' holiday Secret Santa!

Best Brunch Ever At Isola, Part I

This brunch wasn't just amazing because the weather was great, the restaurant had a view of the harbor, and the food was absolutely delicious. This meal, held a few days before I headed back to NY for the holidays, reminded me of how much I love the friends I've made here, how I can't imagine my life without them.

A Night On The Town

Hong Kong is a late-night city full of crazy partiers. More so than New York, I would argue, perhaps for the reason that everything is so compact and close together. You may think you're spending an evening at home, but then someone will be at the FCC, or at dinner, or somewhere getting a drink, and you'll just "stop by" because it's "on the way" and then it's all over and you're out until dawn. Anyway, on this night in December, not long before I headed back to NY for the holidays, I stopped off at the UJC's Hanukkah at Red in Soho, catching Shani and Jessica.

...then met up with Rachael and Katie at Solas...

Then onto the Russia vodka bar, where we added Heather...

Then we went into the cold room! The novelty doesn't really wear off.

Noah's Ark Theme Park, Part II

It's on Park Island on Lantau, and outside of housing the ark it's also a cute residential community.

Alvin and I decided to explore around the rest of Park Island, something most of the visitors to the ark don't do. We came across some idyllic and some sort of beautifully decrepit scenes.

Noah's Ark Theme Park, Part I

The only introduction that this needs is that Hong Kong is home to a huge Noah's Ark replica that also functions as an educational amusement park of sorts. (For any questions you may have, please see Jon Cheng's awesome article in the WSJ, "Hong Kong Christens an Ark of Biblical Proportions.") Now, onto the photographic evidence.

I got the giraffe by spending 100 HKD at the gift shop. Oh, yes.